Where are you focusing attention in 2022? The importance of People, Process, AND Technology

Many times, companies and teams believe that, when faced with a challenge, there is a new technology that will solve their problem. While this is true in a way, it can be more important to consider your current processes and why they may or may not be working for your organization. Maybe you’ve restructured roles or introduced new products and your current technology solution isn’t working for you anymore. That doesn’t mean that it can’t work for you anymore.  

It’s important to consider all three aspects of an implementation – people, process, AND technology. They all fit together and each can take the leading role at different times. If you’ve had some new additions to your team, consider investing in the people element and lean into additional training and enablement. If you’ve made changes within your business, consider whether your past processes are still working for you. If not, determine where you can make changes to simplify and increase efficiency. The technology is the tool that supports the other two aspects, so once you’ve taken a look at your people and process, determine if your technology is effectively supporting them. If not, how can you make changes to do so?  

Let us know – which aspect of people, process, and technology are you leaning into within your organization right now?