Version 2.4.1 of the Outlook Plug-in Released!

SugarCRM has released version 2.4.1 of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook.


This latest release includes the following new features and enhancements to the mail view side panel:

  • The side panel now displays additional key information (e.g. phone, address) for matching Sugar accounts.
  • When creating a related case or bug via the subpanel, the create form now has the Subject and Description fields auto-populated based on the selected email's details.


Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook 2.4.1 also addresses issues identified in prior releases of the Outlook Plug-in. More information on the new features and enhancements as well as the fixed bugs can be found in the MS Outlook Plug-in Release Notes 2.4.1.


Installation, upgrade, and usage documentation for this release can be found at the following links:

MS Outlook Plug-in User Guide 2.x

MS Outlook Plug-in Installation Guide 2.x


Users on 7.x.x versions of Sugar can either download the plug-in from our Download Manager with an appropriate download key or by going to their user profile in the application and selecting the 'Downloads' tab. Please review the Supported Platforms for the Outlook Plug-in before installing.


If you want to ensure you are up-to-date on all our latest releases, please click the ‘Follow’ button under the Explore space in the community.

  • Awesome to get a new version out - good job! Regarding the phone number, it´s been in OPI since at least 2.2.0 (built so I´m not seeing that as a new feature in 2.4.1 but maybe I´m misunderstanding something...  


    But talking about phone numbers: Can we have the cell phone number shown in Side Panel? Or at least be able to configure in the OPI which phone number(s) are shown in the Side Panel?




  • Awesome to get a new version out - good job! Regarding the phone number, it´s been in OPI since at least 2.2.0 (built so I´m not seeing that as a new feature in 2.4.1 but maybe I´m misunderstanding something...  


    But talking about phone numbers: Can we have the cell phone number shown in Side Panel? Or at least be able to configure in the OPI which phone number(s) are shown in the Side Panel?




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