Distribution list in Sugar Market using leads rather than contacts?

Is there a way to have a distribution list on leads rather than contacts?

I was able to make a target list in Sugar CRM based on a leads report, but only about half of those records have associated contacts in our CRM (additionally there are fields in our leads that I want to filter on in these CRM reports that aren't in contacts). Is there a way to pull from leads rather than contacts for the distribution list? Thanks all for the help!

  • You can leverage Dynamic Distribution Lists for this. https://support.sugarcrm.com/documentation/market/sugar_market_user_guide/lists_and_segmentation/#Dynamic_Distribution_Lists

    Video: https://sugarclub.sugarcrm.com/learn/quick-videos/m/sugar-market/1888


    Kindly check the pre-requisites (sync settings etc.)


    Basically, you set up a row-and-column report in SugarCRM using 'Leads' as the primary target module. You can build the report using any of the data from the lead record or data from related entries of these leads.

    Ensure the 'ID' field from the leads module is included in your rows and columns (Sugar Market needs this later).

    **Add Email addresses to the report using the exclusive 'Email Address' folder from the related reporting modules.

    ** The 'Opt-out' is Y/N would be available for filtering here as well


    In Sugar Market, create a Distribution List of type "Dynamic Distribution List"

    Connect the list using 'Sync User' credentials - Test Connection and Save (check documentation)

    Select the report you setup based off leads to act as a distribution list in Sugar Market

    Save > Preview > Sync Now (auto-update).


    The market sync ensures this list is auto-updated every sync cycle




    I hope this helps.

    Kind Regards,

    Sheldon Pereira

    CRM Strategy

  • This is great! Thanks for the very thorough answer here.


    Unfortunately it is still only pulling the contacts associated with the leads in that report, and not the leads themselves. We currently don’t convert leads to contacts until we convert them to businesses/households right now, so we have lots of leads that don’t have a contact (the CRM report I tested with has almost triple the number of what actually made it into Market). Probably just going to have to make a process change on my end where every lead has an associated contact.


    Let me know if you have any other thoughts here. Thanks!


    Trent McIntyre

    "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30

  • Trent,

    You may want to review this article (link below) to see if any of these causes are the source for the difference in records between the CRM and Sell. The link should take you straight to the dynamic distribution list section, but I recommend reviewing the other sections as well.

    Why Your Sugar Market and Sugar Sell Counts Are Different: Common Scenarios and Solutions 

    Hope this helps!


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