Sugar Market - Split Email Click Data By Mobile/Desktop?

Is it possible to split Sugar Market email click data by mobile vs non-mobile?

I know there's a field called Mobile, but I assume that's for storing a contact's mobile phone number.



  • Hi Ed,

    Great question! Right now, we don't have the feature to split email click data by mobile vs non-mobile directly within Sugar Market. However, we actually have an existing idea logged for this—Idea# 93103: Possibility to recognize a device type of opened email.

    If you're interested, we can link this feature request to your account through a support ticket. This helps us gauge interest and prioritize new features based on user feedback.

    Let us know if you'd like us to proceed with that, or if there's anything else we can assist you with.


    Michael North

    Sr. Manager, Technical Support

  • Hi Ed,

    Great question! Right now, we don't have the feature to split email click data by mobile vs non-mobile directly within Sugar Market. However, we actually have an existing idea logged for this—Idea# 93103: Possibility to recognize a device type of opened email.

    If you're interested, we can link this feature request to your account through a support ticket. This helps us gauge interest and prioritize new features based on user feedback.

    Let us know if you'd like us to proceed with that, or if there's anything else we can assist you with.


    Michael North

    Sr. Manager, Technical Support
