1x1 Pictures with full-width in 3 rows on mobile

Hi everyone, 

We are trying to create an email template with a row consisting of 3 columns. Each column should have a 1x1 picture, headline and text. 

In Desktop I managed to get that every picture is in full width over the column, however in mobile Sugar crops the image and it is not full width. See images:



Does anyone have any idea how I can get the image to be over the whole width? 

It seems to work fine, when I use two rows. 



  • Sadly, no not possible.

    I've tried this many times myself but if you use columns in mail templates it always places this below each other on mobile. 

    I think it would also affect the font size if it was kept side by side for whatever text you use. And plus, from a user perspective having to scroll sideways on mobile is just bad UX. So its probably better like this 

  • Thx for the reply. I probably wasn't clear. I understand that it is not possible to have several columns next to each other on mobile. 
    What I want, is that the image is full-size like you can see on the mobile view for two columns. Here there is no padding and the image goes from corner to corner. 
    When using 3 columns, in mobile the images get a padding, which I don't want to have.

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