Email list with duplicate emails

Hi Sugar Clubbers,

With a distribution list that has duplicate email addresses, does the following still apply, which is taken from Sugar Market Support. I might be just being fussy on the language because the below statement reads if the same email address is included in MORE THAN ONE list... what happens if the duplicate emails are in the same list?

Deduplicating Recipients
If the same email address is included in more than one selected recipient list, Sugar Market automatically flags that email as a duplicate and ensures the email is only sent once to each unique email address.
Thanks for any comments
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  • Hi  

    In Sugar Market, the system handles duplicates by selecting the first email address it encounters in the contact table for sending and merging purposes.

    If you're utilizing custom reports and targeting specific records, ensure your report includes the Email and ContactID columns. The system will then use only the ContactID listed in your report, provided there are no duplicates within it.

    For instance, if you have five contact records with the same email address, but only one record is associated with Business Unit = A, and your report filters for this specific unit, only that record will appear in your report.

    Consequently, when this report is used in a campaign, the system will exclusively select that ContactID from among the five contacts sharing the same email address.


    Michael North
    Sr. Manager, Technical Support