List Auto Refresh

This morning while working on a nurture, I added a distribution list created in Sugar Sell and got the following popup.

How is this different than Dynamic Distribution Lists?

  • Hi John,

    The auto refresh feature in nurtures allows you to select an interval at which the system will recheck your list and add/remove any new members to the nurture. This works for list types other than Dynamic Distribution Lists. For dynamic distribution lists, the auto-refresh setting here is independent of the auto-refresh setting defined in the list settings



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM

  • Hi John,

    Yes, this feature is only for nurtures, because they are ongoing campaigns. For something like a single email, we query the list at the time of send and once email is sent that campaign is complete.

    It can get a little confusing when you consider the different ways people can enter a nurture. For example, if recipients are added to a nurture via form submission, so long as that form is active it will continue adding the recipients to the nurture. Therefore, in a sense, your nurture is  "refreshing".

    However, the auto refresh feature is for list types that wouldn't otherwise be checked again once a nurture is activated. Over time new people may be added to that list and you want those people added to the nurture. The auto refresh features allows you to indicate that you want us to go back and recheck that list and add those additional recipients to the nurture on an ongoing basis at the interval you select in the auto refresh setting. 



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM

  • One additional point of clarification - regardless of which type of list you are using (ie: static distro list, dynamic distro list), if you want the nurture to continually go  back and recheck the list and add additional list members to the nurture, then you want to use the Auto Refresh feature in the nurture. If you are using a Dynamic Distribution List and the list is updating, those new list members will not continually be added to the nurture if the Auto Refresh nurture setting is not turned on. I hope this helps!



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM

  • One additional point of clarification - regardless of which type of list you are using (ie: static distro list, dynamic distro list), if you want the nurture to continually go  back and recheck the list and add additional list members to the nurture, then you want to use the Auto Refresh feature in the nurture. If you are using a Dynamic Distribution List and the list is updating, those new list members will not continually be added to the nurture if the Auto Refresh nurture setting is not turned on. I hope this helps!



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM
