Opportunity sync


I do not find the answer in the FAQ so I post it here.

I am seeking information about how Sugar Market manages the use case where more than one contact is linked to an opportunity in Sugar. If I am correct, there is only one contact which is synced from Sugar to Market so which one if I have two or three related to the opp? What is the technical rule?

On a different aspect, am I correct if I say that the synced contact is the one which is involved by the listener involving the opportunities? By example, if I create a listener triggered by a change on an opportunity and if I select the "add to nurture" option, am I correct if I say that the contact related to each opportunity is the one which is added to the nurture?



  • Hi Jean-Philippe,

    What is the reason for employing Opps in the Market while having Sugar Sell in place?

    Opps are the objects for Sales team efforts, while the Lead is the outcome of marketing efforts and inbound entity for Sales, so that sales could qualify them and convert into Opps according to b2b methodology.

    To keep nurture the  Contacts of the Opps with Marketing, those Contacts should belong to some Target list.

    The Target list could be actualized automatically with e.g. SugarBPM /report/ logic hook (developed or configured with Logic Builder) - but anyway it is done on the basis of some criteria that maintained in the sales tool - SugarSell.

    For example you may use a logichook to add Contact to the Target list as soon as it linked to Open Opp, and remove it once the Opp is closed or Contact is unlinked from the Opp - I can configure an example with Logic Builder if you like, or you can make it

    I may presuppose, Opps in the Market are for non-Sugar subscribers of ex-SalesFusion




    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka

    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Hi Dmytro,

    This is to meet the following use case with Sugar Sell or ENT: a client has a B2B target but a B2C approach and sells online. In this case, you use the Opps entity to store the orders. By sincing the opps and using the listeners, we could imagine to send emails to the contact related to the Opp (e.g. Congratulations for your 1st order). 

    We could also imagine to add the contact to a Nurture (e.g. Customer Success emails-serie) when an Opp is won.

    In this view, it is important to know what could be the side effects if several contacts are related to the Opp in Sugar, as only 1 contact is linked to the Opp object in Market. 

    Jean-Philippe Lecreux

    Synolia - CRM Consultant

  • Hi  Jean Philippe

    Not sure I understand the basics of the model...

    Let me describe an example, please let me know if its close to the model you have

    For sales online there are no opportunities in a general meaning  - there might be neither proactive sales efforts stretched in time nor a group of influencers to deal with,  just a fast ordering process...

    The customer might have a list of purchases per account in Sugar Sell - subpanel per account?, while the account should have a number of contacts in Sugar Sell - a regular Contacts for Account

    Whenever a purchase happened (I suppose this info comes to Sugar Sell from an external system with integration)  and if the first purchase is identified by Sugar according to the purchase list in Sugar, then the contact of the account (which one, is there criterion which ones to target?) should be linked to the "Congratulate on 1 purchase" Target List.

    This Target List.is synced with Market.

    There should be a corresponding nurturing campaign in the Market that on a refresh of that list will trigger sending the email.


    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka

    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Hi  Jean Philippe

    Not sure I understand the basics of the model...

    Let me describe an example, please let me know if its close to the model you have

    For sales online there are no opportunities in a general meaning  - there might be neither proactive sales efforts stretched in time nor a group of influencers to deal with,  just a fast ordering process...

    The customer might have a list of purchases per account in Sugar Sell - subpanel per account?, while the account should have a number of contacts in Sugar Sell - a regular Contacts for Account

    Whenever a purchase happened (I suppose this info comes to Sugar Sell from an external system with integration)  and if the first purchase is identified by Sugar according to the purchase list in Sugar, then the contact of the account (which one, is there criterion which ones to target?) should be linked to the "Congratulate on 1 purchase" Target List.

    This Target List.is synced with Market.

    There should be a corresponding nurturing campaign in the Market that on a refresh of that list will trigger sending the email.


    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka

    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

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