Workflow: Automatically set First Reponse case field value to true after first email reply

Hello Sugar community,

we create cases from inbound emails and send an auto reply for each newly created case. Then our sales team claims the case and replies manually via email from sugar.  I would like to automatically set the "first_response_sent" checkbox to "true" after the sales team has sent the first reply (the auto reply should not trigger this change).

Can you pls recommend how to create such a workflow?!



Parents Reply Children
  • Hi  ,

    You should be able to achieve this with a SugarBPM process definition on the Cases module. The definition should look like this:

    To ensure that this does not trigger on system-generated emails, you will need to first identify which user is utilized by Sugar to create those emails (typically the original default admin user unless that user was disabled). Once you identify that user, they will be included in a "relationship change" start event configuration to never run if they are the creating user of the email:

    This solution will not be suitable if that admin user participates in actual email communications on cases. In that case, I think you would need to implement a custom logic hook to meet your business requirements.
