Did you know that fields can be added or removed from record lists in Sugar Connect?

Did you know that fields can be added or removed from record lists in Sugar Connect? It's a lesser known feature and does come up in Support Cases from time to time. While it does require Sugar Support involvement, it is a rather quick and simple change that you can request. Let's take a closer look at this feature. For this example, we'll be looking at the "Calls" module in Sugar Connect and in the CRM. This feature is not limited to this module however and is available for almost all modules and even custom fields!

When using the Connect sidebar in your email client (GMail or Outlook), visit the "Home" icon at the bottom of the sidebar and click on "Calls" to display records.

What we see by default is the "name" field of the record in bold and the "date_start" field just below that. These are the two default fields that Sugar Connect will use from the CRM, to display records in the Sugar Connect sidebar. Let's add another field that will display data now, like the "direction" field.

First, we need to find the data name of the "direction" field. We can do this on the CRM side, under Admin -> Studio -> Calls -> Fields.

Now that you know the name of the field ("direction"), you can open a new Support Case (https://portal.sugarondemand.com/) and request adding this feild to the record results. On Sugar Supports side, all we need is the name of the fields you desire adding and which position you would like the field, which will be top or bottom and if it will be before or after an existing field. It's important to mention that only two lines are supported at this time. This means if you are wanting to add a new field, the data in that field should fit with in the limited space available in the Sugar Connect sidebar, on either the top or bottom lines.

On Sugar Support's end, this is what we see, when we are adding or removing fields that will be used to display record results.

We'll be adding the "direction" field from Calls, to the second line and after "date_start".

Connect users will need to logout and login again from the sidebar. Upon login, they should then see the newly added field!

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