importing products using api

Hello Everyone,

I am quite new to SugarCrm so your help is appreciated.

it goes like this:
we have products that are in PIMCORE and we want to import all the products into sugar or just use them directly from pim core

is there any way to import them using api or any other method?

thank you in advance

  • Products in Sugar are the line items of quotes. Each Product is a unique item sold or offered within a quote.

    ProductTemplates are the abstract definition of the items which can be added to quotes. 

    I would suppose you want to import your products as ProductTemplates.

    Each module has an has an endpoint …/<modulename> with methods GET, POST, PUT, UPDATE and DELETE.

    You can use the field sync_key as an external unique index in each module.

  • Products in Sugar are the line items of quotes. Each Product is a unique item sold or offered within a quote.

    ProductTemplates are the abstract definition of the items which can be added to quotes. 

    I would suppose you want to import your products as ProductTemplates.

    Each module has an has an endpoint …/<modulename> with methods GET, POST, PUT, UPDATE and DELETE.

    You can use the field sync_key as an external unique index in each module.

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