I am trying to create a Workflow to lock a section of fields (preferably) after they have been entered by a User. Is there a way I can do this?
Any help would be useful.
If there is a tutorial I can follow that would be great.
I am trying to create a Workflow to lock a section of fields (preferably) after they have been entered by a User. Is there a way I can do this?
Any help would be useful.
If there is a tutorial I can follow that would be great.
So, I am trying to add a couple of fields as a new section in the Cases Module in SugarmCRM.
I am trying to make the fields read-only after a User has filled in one of the fields, to prevent anyone to go back and edit it. Field level permissions will restrict access but I want users to have access to it but lock access after the fields have been filled.
I read somewhere that a Workflow could be created for that
So, I am trying to add a couple of fields as a new section in the Cases Module in SugarmCRM.
I am trying to make the fields read-only after a User has filled in one of the fields, to prevent anyone to go back and edit it. Field level permissions will restrict access but I want users to have access to it but lock access after the fields have been filled.
I read somewhere that a Workflow could be created for that
Hi Haritha,
To make sure I understand you clearly, do you want to restrict this for set of users or everyone including admin? If there is a value already in the field no one should edit it? If so who will enter the initial value into the field? Can you please clarify?
Hi Haritha,
When it can't be done with Field Level permissions, we've found that education about the "rule" (don't change it) and using the Audit setting with a process that sends an alert if a change is made is the simple approach.
Obviously, you could code a simple process that automatically reverts some field values (I've done this when a "creative user" tries to bypass a step in the stages drop-down - The process changing the value back and sends a notice to the manager about the offense).
Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)
hi haritha raghavan ,
The Workflow engine does not currently have this capability.
The no code solution would be as suggested by Bud Hartley
Otherwise it can be done with custom code. If you go for this, keep in mind to allow for a reasonable delay, as we know in real life a user sometimes realises they input the wrong value and need to go back to correct it.
CRM Business Consultant