Correct Fields and Syntax - Quoted Line Items


Hoping for a little help with syntax / search string layout.   I am trying to pull Quoted Line Items into an process email. 

I can successfully pull in a single quoted item using  {::products::product_template_name::} 

Unfortunately, I don't know how to format the search string to pull in multiple items. I think I might need to use something with  "list bind" ?

For example...  !list bind='#products' sort='name:asc'::product_template_name 

I dont know how to combine the "list bind" string with the above "products" string. 

Any advice? Thanks!

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  • External.  The intend use was to notify our customers of upcoming license renewals / expiration dates (we are a SAAS company with an annual subscription model). 

    Again... The end goal is to have the Docmerge run, and send the customer a renewal quote. (Broke because of AWS SES bug)

    Hopeful stopgap... plaintext email with list of items that are due for renewal. (No-go because of multi-relationship nature of RLI/QLI items). 

    Right now, the only thing I can rely on the system to do is send a generic "Hello! Your licenses are expiring" email, with no detail about the actual products due for renewal. 

    Did I mention we are a new to Sugar?  So far.. its neat.. but not a raving fan.   

  • Thanks for the additional context, Riley. Given that this is an external communication, I think using Doc Merge is right approach; Doc Merge allows you to put the professional polish on the quote/renewal notice. 

    Understanding that it isn't ideal, my recommendation is still use the Doc Merge BPM action, but do not check the box to send it via email. That will create a document record related to the record triggering the BPM definition, and you can then have a user manually email to the customer. Once the document is created, you could go a number of different routes such as:

    • Create a subsequent action to create a task for someone to send the quote/renewal notice to the customer.
    • Update the status of triggered record to indicate the quote/renewal notice is ready to send and route the process to the appropriate user to follow through on

    If you have a high volume of renewals, this may not be a desirable course of action. If you want to have it automated, a custom logic hook could be created to detect when the doc merge documents are completed by the BPM definition and then sending the email to your external recipient(s). Custom logic hooks require development and if needed, my company, Upsert, has the expertise to deliver this type of solution.

    I hope this helps!
