
I am trying to add a Revenue section in my Opportunity Module. After entering the revenue amount, we want to be able divide the amount by intervals and have it list in fielded based on a date that is calculated from the revenue start date and intervals entered. I am having issue writing a syntax for this.

Field Name
Revenue_Amount_c Amount $30,000
Expected Close Date 13-Sep-24
Monthly, Yearly Monthly
intervals_c Intervals 3
revenue_start_date_c Revenue Start Date 8-Jan-25
I need it to populate like this section Revenue Schedule
Jan 8 2025 $10,000
Feb 8 2025 $10,000
Mar 8 2025 $10,000
This section would be for manual enteries Manual Entry
Revenue Schedule
Jan 8 2025 $20,000
15-Mar-25 $5,000
April 6 2025 $5,000
  • Hi Laura,

    You can address this by manually creating the Revenue Line Items.

    Alternatively, we have implemented this for one of our customer by having a few fields in the Opportunities module.

    1. Type of Milestone : Drop Down with Values : Uniform | Custom

    2. If it is Uniform the Opportunity Module picks Frequency (Monthly, Quarterly) , No of Instalments/ Intervals  and Start Date.

    3. We need to create these revenue line items by Logic Hook

    3. But when "Custom" is chosen, it becomes more complicated. 

    it should ask to enter No of Instalments and based on the input it should ask for that many number of dates - Value pair. 

    But here you need to ensure the total value of all the instalments enter does not cross the opportunity value using javascript validations.

    The custom option is bit complicated and needs a good design and coding. But the approach will work.

    Ram Kumar LK

    Sr Solution Architect

  • If I create the new fields in our sandbox, can support assist in writing the logic hooks and help with the JavaScript validations?

  • Hi ,

    If you have built something and you need help on why it is not working, SugarClub is the best bet because we have bunch of Shark community posters that are very good at it. 

    However, you are always welcome to ask any question, concerns to us via creating cases. :) 

    Tevfik Tümer
    Sr. Developer Support Engineer 

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