Create a Task to Follow-up on a Call without losing the Call to Contact or Account connection

I'm stumped on how to do this and I could use some help.  There's NO Custom Code, so this needs to be done with Studio and BPM.

When a call is logged, I want to create a Task for follow-up without losing the relationship of the Call to the Contact or Account.  This is what I coded in Studio:

  1. A checkbox was added to the Calls layout that indicates Follow-Up is needed
  2. When the box is checked, two new fields appear:
    1. Task Due Date
    2. Task details
  3. When the Call record is saved, a BPM is triggered to create the task
    1. The Task start date is set as the Date Created
    2. The Assigned User is the user that created the record
    3. The Task Due Date is pulled from the Follow-up Due Date field in the call record
    4. The Task Detail is pulled from the new field in the Call Record: "{::Calls::follow_up_task_detail_c::}"
    5. The priority and status are set as the defaults
    6. That task name is set as "Call Follow-Up: {::Calls::name::}"
  4. I have a second process that sets the Team to match the Team of the Account or Contact Record associated with the Call

The issue I'm trying to resolve without any custom code is:

  • When the Task Record is created, the Task Flex Relationship is changed to the Call and the relationship with the Contact or Account is lost

I've played with several alternatives without success.

Does anyone have a suggestion of what I should try next?

  • Hi  

    Hope you don't mind me asking, but I wasn't clear, do you actually need a followup Task or Call?

    I wasn't sure if the Task was to remind a user to have a followup Call

    task name is set as "Call Follow-Up
  • Hi ,

    The request was from one of the Sales Managers.  His Team is not making good use of the Tasks Module and he wanted to simplify the process of them setting a Task to Follow-Up on a Call they recorded.

    Instead of creating a new task related to a Contact or an Account, he asked me to code a better way.  Knowing that I could create a new record in BPM, I started with a checkbox in the Call Record that revealed two fields to be populated.  When the call was saved, the new Task was created.  The issue was that the Call was Flex Related to the Task and the relationship to the Contact or Account was lost.

     suggested an approach that I'll be trying this week - I think it will do what I need.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Hi ,

    The request was from one of the Sales Managers.  His Team is not making good use of the Tasks Module and he wanted to simplify the process of them setting a Task to Follow-Up on a Call they recorded.

    Instead of creating a new task related to a Contact or an Account, he asked me to code a better way.  Knowing that I could create a new record in BPM, I started with a checkbox in the Call Record that revealed two fields to be populated.  When the call was saved, the new Task was created.  The issue was that the Call was Flex Related to the Task and the relationship to the Contact or Account was lost.

     suggested an approach that I'll be trying this week - I think it will do what I need.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)
