Sugar Connect - Syncing recurring meetings


We are going to implement Sugar Connect in our company. Before onboarding the users, I as a CRM admin tested it and found the following that are not working appropriately with Sugar Connect add-in:

  1. Recurring meetings are not syncing to Sugar
  2. The meetings which are hosted by me are syncing and not the ones that I'm invited. (Contacts are not synced. We just want to start off with meetings first)
  3. Have any one of you tried to syncing contacts from Sugar Connect add-in? Please share your experiences. We are a bit skeptical if that could create some duplicate records. It would be great of you could share some best practices for do it.
  4. Can you suggest the best way to onboard users? We have currently only invited a few of our super users to test the sugar connect functionalities in their daily operations. But, we have a few hundreds of users that need to be onboarded. Is there a way to by-pass CRM Data Source and mass update users?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Gayathri G.

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  • Hi Gayathri,

    Happy to help! There is not currently a way to automatically relate a meeting with an opportunity. The quickest way is to select the related opportunity while creating the meeting. This is possible in both Office 365 and G Suite. That might be what you were referring to when you said "1). Using SugarConnect sidebar" but I wanted to make sure you knew that you could access this functionality within the event itself and not only in the sidebar that displays next to your email inbox.

    That said, if you reach out to the SugarCRM Support team with information about your company's use case surrounding this functionality, they can log a product idea for consideration.

    Kind regards,
