Save and Convert on Lead conversion page confuses users


when I'm in the Lead conversion page, and I've finished to fill in the data in the opportunity section, if I look up I see the "save and convert" button, which is completing the conversion action taking into consideration the records that I singularly saved on the top part (Contact and Account).

Since I didn't save the Opportunity with the "Create opportunity" button, I lost what I entered there.

I know how it works, but I'm saying that this brings the risk that users clicks on "Save and convert" without creating the opportunity first.

Other systems are giving a clearer message to avoid unwanted behaviors.

I would suggest to improve this part, and I'm asking you if you faced and solved it on your own.



  • Hi  ,

    I understand your frustration and the concern for other users getting confused.

    If users must always create an Opportunity when converting a Lead, you might want to make the Opportunity creation mandatory on the Conversion Layout in Admin -> Studio -> Leads -> Layouts -> Convert Lead

    This way, the Save and Convert button would be disabled and only enabled after the user has clicked on the Create Opportunity button

    If that is not an option, I would suggest you creating an Issue in the Support Portal so that our engineering team can evaluate a fix for a next release.

    I hope this helps but let me know if you have additional questions.


    Francesc del Moral

  • Hi  ,

    I understand your frustration and the concern for other users getting confused.

    If users must always create an Opportunity when converting a Lead, you might want to make the Opportunity creation mandatory on the Conversion Layout in Admin -> Studio -> Leads -> Layouts -> Convert Lead

    This way, the Save and Convert button would be disabled and only enabled after the user has clicked on the Create Opportunity button

    If that is not an option, I would suggest you creating an Issue in the Support Portal so that our engineering team can evaluate a fix for a next release.

    I hope this helps but let me know if you have additional questions.


    Francesc del Moral
