Copying Favorites from One User to Another

Does anyone know of a shortcut to copy one user's favorites records on a module to another user? IE: if John has favorited by hitting the star on 36 accounts and his manager wants those same 36 accounts favorited without hitting the star 36 times, is there a way?

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  • Hi  ,

    If you are running Sugar in SugarCloud, then you do not have access to directly run database queries. If these are one-off requests, your most efficient means of having this type of query run is create a support ticket with the Sugar Support team and provide them the exact query you want to run. If this is going to be a frequent need, then you may want to consider having a custom feature built where you select the users and module(s) to copy favorite selections, which in turn, performs the approriate database query based on those selections. We specialize in building custom Sugar solutions, so if you would like a quote on building this feature, please contact us via our site.
