Hello! I'm trying to spin up a local instance of my 13.3 Sugar environment using SugarDockerized and following this support article:
During step 3, when I run the installfromzip.sh command, I get an error that the system was not installed properly.
This is the command I run:
./utilities/installfromzip.sh /Users/kaitlintomkosky/deployer/storage/sugar/installers/13.3.3/SugarEnt-13.3.0.zip
And this is the output:
Cleaning up previous install (./data/app/sugar) if any, please wait...
Unzipping /Users/kaitlintomkosky/deployer/storage/sugar/installers/13.3.3/SugarEnt-13.3.0.zip, please wait...
Fixing Sugar permissions, please wait...
Restarting sugar-web1 container, please wait...
Restarting sugar-cron container, please wait...
Deleting all previous redis values
Deleting all previous Elasticsearch indices, please wait...
bash: line 1: ./config_si.php: No such file or directory
The silent installer configuration has been deployed into the sugar instance
bash: line 1: ./config_override.php: No such file or directory
The config override configuration has been deployed into the sugar instance
Running installation, please wait...
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Installation completed!
You can now access the instance on your browser with http://docker.local/sugar
Executing script ./data/app/initsystem.php
The system is not installed successfully, please try again
I see that all of the docker containers are created, but I noticed that sugar-permissions is not running. I also opened the /data/app/initsystem.php file and found this code that is returning the error message "The system is not installed successfully, please try again" above if the file include/entryPoint.php file does't exist. I checked and the include/entryPoint.php file does exist, so I'm not sure if this is a permissions issue.
Has anyone else run into an issue when running the installfromzip.sh command for a 13 instance?
Any ideas or input would be appreciated! Thanks so much!