"Like" or "Acknowledge" a Record

Hello, I have had some leaders ask does Sugar have a feature where a manager can "like" or "acknowledge" a record has been seen or accessed? The idea is to have a way that their direct reports know that the managers are looking at their calls in a simple way in Sugar. Much like social media has like buttons or even text messaging. If a user can see a VP can like or acknowledge a record it will help with adoption and put the talk into action. Any ideas would be helpful and thank you. 

  • It's probably overkill, but I'd do this by:

    1. Creating a checkbox field for the "Like" or "Saw it"

    2. Creating an Action Button on the record layout that updates the checkbox field when it's clicked.

    3. I'd set the field with Audit and Report (so you can track who did it), snd probably Search as well.

    Again, this s probably overkill.  A simple routing process that has the manager just click is probably a better approach.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • It's probably overkill, but I'd do this by:

    1. Creating a checkbox field for the "Like" or "Saw it"

    2. Creating an Action Button on the record layout that updates the checkbox field when it's clicked.

    3. I'd set the field with Audit and Report (so you can track who did it), snd probably Search as well.

    Again, this s probably overkill.  A simple routing process that has the manager just click is probably a better approach.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

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