How to use Opportunity AND RLI with more flexibility ?


I want to share a problem that some of us are facing and want to know how you deal with it.

Opportunity with RLI are great, because you can better express complex sales processes, including multiples Revenue Line (that should live their own live).

BUT, sometimes you only want to use the Opportunity WITHOUT RLI

  • for instance at the first step, maybe you don't know what products / lines you want to add
  • for instance for basic opportunity, you want to use it the way Sugar works without the RLI

For all those reason, I would like to understand how you manage opportunity and RLI, for advanced but also basic deals ?

Many thanks,


PS : additionnal question : do you also sometimes want to split the product catalog that is used for Opportunity (more macro) and the one used for Quotes (more micro) ?

  • Hi   ,

    We have suggested to one of our customer the easiest way of asking their sales team to add a custom RLI with whatever dollar value they want and create the opportunity. As you are aware the custom RLI is not linked to any product catalog item. 

    And when the opportunity gets clarity on what products fit the opportunity, they create the new RLIs linked to the product catalog. This is by far the easiest.

    However doing an automatic RLI creation also works.  Adding a custom RLI automatically during Lead Conversion or when you are creating a new opportunity also works well. You can add two new fields - a tick box to create a custom RLI and the Opportunity value. When User select the tick-box and keep a Dollar Value in Opportunity Value field, the customisation can create a custom RLI with that Opportunity Value.

    I am not too sure if the default Auto Calculated Opportunity Value can be used for the above by making it editable. 

    Good question and food for thought for us.

    Best of Luck with your solution

    Ram Kumar LK

    Sr Solution Architect

  • Hi   ,

    We have suggested to one of our customer the easiest way of asking their sales team to add a custom RLI with whatever dollar value they want and create the opportunity. As you are aware the custom RLI is not linked to any product catalog item. 

    And when the opportunity gets clarity on what products fit the opportunity, they create the new RLIs linked to the product catalog. This is by far the easiest.

    However doing an automatic RLI creation also works.  Adding a custom RLI automatically during Lead Conversion or when you are creating a new opportunity also works well. You can add two new fields - a tick box to create a custom RLI and the Opportunity value. When User select the tick-box and keep a Dollar Value in Opportunity Value field, the customisation can create a custom RLI with that Opportunity Value.

    I am not too sure if the default Auto Calculated Opportunity Value can be used for the above by making it editable. 

    Good question and food for thought for us.

    Best of Luck with your solution

    Ram Kumar LK

    Sr Solution Architect

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