'If' formula help!

we currently work out stage payments depending on contract type ('supply and fit' or 'supply only') we have a new contract type 'New 2023 Terms' which will mean that the second stage payment will either be 40% if contract type is 'supply and fit' or 45% if contract type is 'New 2023 Terms'. 

the field we are looking to amend is 40% Suggested Amount - we want this to check the contract type field and depending whether it says 'supply and fit' or 'new 2023 terms' work out 40% value or 45% value respectively. 

we have the code for it to work out the 40% based on 'supply and fit' but do not know what we should add to make it depend on that cell and change the formula as and when required. 

can anyone help with this (the formula also makes the value on the suggested field change to zero if the client has paid the up to or over the amount up to that payment stage, to signify to our team that the client has nothing outstanding at that payment stage)




  • Hi Chris

    Thanks so much this is fab! We have 3 contract types - how do i make the last part of the calculation specific to the other contract type called "Supply and Fit 2023 Terms" this will need to calculate the balance payment up to 45% of the contract value 

  • we have managed to make it work as the other contract type works with different cells so there is only 2 contract types for the cells in question. 

    we need the same thing for 'up to 90% payment stage' which relates to 50% and 55% of the contract value - i have tried to emulate the above but havent got anywhere :( 

    could you explain the code or maybe correct this one for us please? 




  • Hi ,

    I need more detail to help in adjusting the new formula.

    • Do you mean this formula should also be based on the contract type field? If so, am I correct in assuming that if the contract type is 'Supply and Fit' then the calculation should be 50% of the contract value and if the contract type is 'Supply and Fit 2023 Terms' then the calculation should be 55% of the contract value?
    • Am I correct in assuming in that this calculation should only take place when the total paid is less than 10% of the contract value?


Reply Children
    • Do you mean this formula should also be based on the contract type field? If so, am I correct in assuming that if the contract type is 'Supply and Fit' then the calculation should be 50% of the contract value and if the contract type is 'Supply and Fit 2023 Terms' then the calculation should be 55% of the contract value?

    - yes but it should also take into account if any of the previous stage payments (10% and up to 40%/45%) have been made less than their 'suggested amount' as this stage payment will need to be up to 90%/95% of the contract value.

    i.e. if someone pays £10 short on the payment beforehand, this needs to roll over to this stage payment. (as a payment is entered on any particular stage, it will reduce the suggested amount to zero and roll over the remainder to the next stage payment (or reduce the next stage if an overpayment is made) - so im assuming the best calculation would be to take into account 'total amount paid'?

    • Am I correct in assuming in that this calculation should only take place when the total paid is less than 10% of the contract value?

    The 'suggested amount' per payment stage is needed as soon as the contract becomes live so we can confirm to the client their stage payments and they are there as reference for our team (this works at the moment), but they should recalculate as payments are made. so when 40%/45% suggested cell turns to zero (this will be because the 40%/45% payment has been made and accepted as payment for that stage even with potential variance) 'suggested 90%/95%' should recalculate how much is required to be paid to take the 'total paid' up to 90%/95%.

    Hope this makes sense!

  • Thanks for all your help so far, i have replied below

  • Hi ,

    I'm sorry but this has gotten more complex than I have time to assist. Hopefully someone else can provide you further guidance here, or it may be worthwhile to seek a Sugar partner in your region to engage in a formal consultation to ensure you get the results you seek. 
