How to reduce the size of the File System

We're in the On-Demand environment and the Sugar Insights shows our File system Size is 90% of the allocation and the Database size is 61% of the allocation.

The Database size has been reduced in recent months because of our clean-up project (deleting very old and no longer useful records).  The File System size continues to grow.

What can be done to reduce the size of the File System?

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  • Hi ,

    I wish it could be done with mass deletions.  Unfortunately, I had to create a Report that pulls Notes with a two filters: Notes > Is Attachment and Notes > Subject Contains "____"

    The "Contains" was for large PDF files with names that included things like "Catalog".

    The items had to be deleted one at a time.  It's a mindless activity and time intensive.  After opening the links (30 or more at a time) it was four clicks each - Select the tab, select drop-down, select "delete", click to confirm.

    I focused on the larger files first, but when I have nothing better to do I'll pull up the report and delete more.

    P.S. When I had deleted most of the old attachments, I opened a case with Sugar because the file size was still large and requested assistance pruning the PMSE Tables.  They did that for me and the file and database sizes are back under control.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)