Attachments not visible on Notes

When we attach files to a Note, the attachement is not visible to other users because of the Teams that are assigned to the attachment record.

We noticed that the attachment record created from a Note only contains the user's default team. that doesn't allow visibility to other users.

Attachment Teams are not aligned with parent Notes teams.

Is this a common issue? Is it a bug????

Is there a solution?

Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    If the issue is that note attachments don't have the same team assignments as the parent note on creation, then our plugin, Upsert BPM Essentials, has the feature to meet your needs through a new SugarBPM action. The definition would look like the following:

    If the issue is that you are changing team assignments on a parent note after creation, then you should still be able to use our plugin to get the desired result through a combination of 2 BPM definitions and our plugin. (1 definition to trigger an update to the related attachment records and 1 definition listening for that update so that it knows when to inherit the team assignments from the parent note). 

    If you use SugarBPM currently, our plugin has a lot of other great features to increase the ease of use and power of SugarBPM!


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