Sugar and Hubspot integration


I am wondering - has anyone successfully integrated SugarCRM and Hubspot? 

I began my integration - but there is seems to be a limitation or a missing link and because of that the two platforms don't fully speak to each other. 

I achieved a basic connection through Operations Hub through Hubspot - leads that are captured in hubspot appear in Sugar with the information, however: 

1. It is impossible to e.g access lead activity on the website from Sugar (like you can in e.g. Salesforce)

2. Data does not feed / update back to Hubspot - e.g. if I mark lead as 'do not contact' it will still appear in Hubspot without any updates. 

In result, we are left with two good solutions (hubspot/sugar), but a half-decent integration. 

Does it have to be built out in Sugar, or do we need to buy a connector through Sugar Outfitters to fully integrate the two platforms?



Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Ada,

    yes, you can sync based on different Hubspot activities.

    We are doing it on form submissions, and creating a Sugar lead for each submission.

    We think it's the best way to keep track in Sugar of every request from the same contact.... unless you create a custom module just for that, and relate it to Leads and Customer.

    In that case I believe you should also make email addresses unique for leads and contacts...

    It's strange to me that Sugar doesn't manage multiple requests from the same person, but for other CRM systems is the same.

    Hope this helps.
