Sugar and Hubspot integration


I am wondering - has anyone successfully integrated SugarCRM and Hubspot? 

I began my integration - but there is seems to be a limitation or a missing link and because of that the two platforms don't fully speak to each other. 

I achieved a basic connection through Operations Hub through Hubspot - leads that are captured in hubspot appear in Sugar with the information, however: 

1. It is impossible to e.g access lead activity on the website from Sugar (like you can in e.g. Salesforce)

2. Data does not feed / update back to Hubspot - e.g. if I mark lead as 'do not contact' it will still appear in Hubspot without any updates. 

In result, we are left with two good solutions (hubspot/sugar), but a half-decent integration. 

Does it have to be built out in Sugar, or do we need to buy a connector through Sugar Outfitters to fully integrate the two platforms?



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