Dynamically add or remove contacts from a target list based on report

it is possible for the contacts in a target list populated from a report to be dynamically updated.
If the report data changes, ie: a contact revokes marketing consent for instance, this contact should then be removed from the target list.
  • We at enable.services have created an addon that does this called enable targets lists. You are able to choose under a sub panel in the target list which reports you wish to sync and also the type of report "unsubscribe or subscribe". You also have the option to enable dynamic reports to change the target list from static list to dynamic list to keep them in sync. should you wish for more information, please get in touch jbushnell@enable.services

  • We at enable.services have created an addon that does this called enable targets lists. You are able to choose under a sub panel in the target list which reports you wish to sync and also the type of report "unsubscribe or subscribe". You also have the option to enable dynamic reports to change the target list from static list to dynamic list to keep them in sync. should you wish for more information, please get in touch jbushnell@enable.services

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