BPM Doc Merge - How to email the generated document automatically ?


it seems to me that the "old" WDoc plugin embedded the capability, when you were generated a document using the BPM, to also send it by email.

But, with the DocMerge plugin, this feature is no more enabled.

Is it a config option that I missed ?

Best regards,


  • I'm not sure if this will help but I created an action button that when clicked, will
    1) Set a field to be the current date and time
    2) Create a Doc Merge of the Quote (this saves in the documents tab)
    3) adds a note to the quote record stating that the "Quote was delivered".

    Then, I created a BPM which would trigger based on the field update. Since the time is always different, it would allow for concurrent sending. The key is that when sending an email from the BPM it would not update or relate the email to show that email was sent, which is why we made sure to have the action button address the creation of the doc merge of the quote and adding the note that it was sent. 

    Its a little bit of a round about way to do it but it is working for us. 

    Best of luck! 

  • I'm not sure if this will help but I created an action button that when clicked, will
    1) Set a field to be the current date and time
    2) Create a Doc Merge of the Quote (this saves in the documents tab)
    3) adds a note to the quote record stating that the "Quote was delivered".

    Then, I created a BPM which would trigger based on the field update. Since the time is always different, it would allow for concurrent sending. The key is that when sending an email from the BPM it would not update or relate the email to show that email was sent, which is why we made sure to have the action button address the creation of the doc merge of the quote and adding the note that it was sent. 

    Its a little bit of a round about way to do it but it is working for us. 

    Best of luck! 

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