Where To Buy SugarCRM Enterprise Themes?


I'm looking for a reliable source to purchase a new theme for our instance of SugarCRM Enterprise 11.0x.

Can anyone refer me to where to buy one?

Or is everyone doing the customized approach?

If so, can someone send a link to the relevant customization documentation for this edition?

Thanks much!

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for mentioning us ;)

    First versions of Shape My Sugar were coded with the code example linked by .
    I suspect the new colors are also applied in dark mode so you might want to check the UI in both modes.

    We only apply colors to light mode in Shape My Sugar (nobody asked for dark modes customization yet).

    I would say it is better to code yourselves unless the end-users want the added functionalities or just want to  change the colors regularly (for special events or seasons, etc.).

    Laurent Conroux,
    Dev @ Synolia, Elite Partner

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