Broken Dependencies

At create, the records look fine.  Post-create, it doesn't look like any of the fields are hidden per what was designed for them. why dependencies are breaking?

As per requirement they are hidden but in record view they are visible.

On record save they are showing required even they aren't editable..

Parents Reply
  • Hi Sandeep,

    As suggested by Jeroen, first try repair and rebuild on the instance and please clear your browser cache and try to access the instance. Now check whether you are facing the same issue again. If you are still facing the problem, Please raise a ticket with SugarCRM regarding the same. Sugar tries to do repair on the instance which is different from regular Quick Repair and Rebuild which we can do from admin area. 

    Make sure that these fields are not made required through some other logic before raising the ticket, please check from your end. 

    Thanks and Best Regards,

    Poojitha K,

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