Email body not showing in browser

I switched to Firefox last week because the Reply option in Emails wasn't working with external email client in Chrome or Edge.

Now when I open emails from cases in Firefox, the body of the email doesn't show up at all.

Any ideas as to what I might be doing wrong?

  • You mention the reply button not working with an "external email client"

    Reply option in Emails wasn't working with external email client in Chrome or Edge

    But the image is not of an external client, it's a Sugar email detail view, are you having trouble loading the email body in the record view or are you having trouble getting the original message in the body of the reply?

    Are you using Sugar email or an External client?

    What version of Sugar are you using?

    I tested on Sugar Professional 11.0.2 

    Mac OS 11.6.1 using Apple Mail 14.0

    and Chrome Version 95.0.4638.54 (Official Build) (x86_64)

    And have no problem either opening the email in Sugar nor with the body of the email populating when hitting Reply.

    Similarly from Firefox 89.0.2 and Firefox 93.0 on the same OS and external email client.

    I also tested the Reply on the internal Sugar Email client on all of the above browsers and all work fine.

    So I wonder if something else is in play here that is preventing you from successfully viewing the email and replying.

    I also noticed that your screenshots have a lot of attachments. Is it possible that the body of the original email is not interpreted as text but rather a series of images for some reason?

    Your second screenshot shows a Salesloft integration, could that be causing some problems that we don't see in the stock Emails Module?


  • My comment about external email client was really irrelevant. Sorry to throw you off. Nor is this about the ability to reply, etc. I'm just simply trying to view the email in Sugar.

    You can see in my screen shot, directly in sugar, not an email client, that the body of the email doesn't load. The pictures included in the body are irrelevant. Here's another screen shot of another email with no attachments.

  • Can you check in the developer tools of your browser (Typically you can open them with f12 key) if there are any errors shown?

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