Is It Possible Import Data to SugarCRM via Sugar Web Logic Hooks?

Hi everyone.

I just would like to inquire if anyone knows if it is possible to import data to SugarCRM via Sugar Web Logic Hooks?

For example:
WooCommerce to SugarCRM

If not, is there any alternative available (aside from Zapier)

  • No worries. I appreciate all the help given to me :) Thank you

  • Hi Jean,

    sorry for delay

    So LB Data Bridge is a middleware and one of its possibilities is to receive any webhooks and establish processing them in Sugar.
    Therefore, you can simply set LB Data Bridge Catcher as a URL a webhook in WooCommerce (or another system), and then configure how Sugar should process an event sent by WooCommerce.

    Here is an example – I do not have WooCommerce, but here is an example of processing of a subscription to e.g. HubSpot webhooks

    1. Subscribe to webhooks
      Usually, it’s performed via  UI of a system (HubSpot in my example)
      I created a subscription to 'Deal.Create' Event and set Target URL as LB Data Bridge:

    2. Each time, when the event occurs – the Deal is Created in the HubSpot - data is sent to LB Data Bridge which, in turn, sends it over to the Sugar's in special Module LB Data Bridge Queue.
      Here is an example of such a queue:



    And let’s take a closer look at the data received with a webhook:


    There is a received data in the InboundData field, - from the HubSpot it comes in JSON notation, but it could be any other format.

    Logic Builder allows to configure parsing of received data and Sugar's reaction on that data - create records, populate data through Sugar, perform calculations, ect.

    E.g. this logic creates Opp from the Hubspot data received with the webhook (there is only HubspotID in it):

    And here is a small video on how this approach works:

    download video (use full screen)

    When Opp is created with webhook processing, you may configure pulling more data from an external system via LB Data Bridge, e.g. to get Opp details from the Hubspot and enrich data of brand new Opp created  - also could be configured without a line of a code with Logic Builder.

    Therefore, if you have an example of a webhook to subscribe to in WooCommerce, we could try to apply this approach.

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient