Target lists - removing multiple contacts

Is there a way to batch remove a list of contacts from a target list? 

The scenario is that a list of all contacts within a given filter criteria is created, and then users review the exported list to determine if any contacts should be emailed directly (as opposed to the mass-emailing with the campaign).  Now I need to REMOVE these individuals from the previously created list, however in the Target List view I can only view an additional few at a time to edit the list.

My current process is to go back to the filter in Contacts, "favorite" the individuals that need removed, and go back to the Target list and "view more contacts" to remove each individual person that is showing the star.  This is rather tedious, and I was hoping for a way to batch edit the original list.  Perhaps by creating a new list and then "remove all" from the original list?  But I can't seen to find anything about this in the Support section.