How to use Or condition for two different field in custom filter ?

Hi There,

I am looking to implement custom filters with 'OR' expression for two different field , As in sugar we can not use 'OR' expression for two different fields , it's working for same field. 

How can i implement it for two different fields ? 

  • As per documentation for endpoint filterList, a structure like that should work:

    $viewdefs['Accounts']['base']['filter']['basic']['filters'][] = array(
    	'id' => 'filterRQPartners',
    	'name' => 'LBL_FILTERRQPARTNERS',
    	'filter_definition' => array(
    			'$or' => array(
    				'ignore_dealer_in_report_c' => array(
    					'$equals' => 0
    				'dead_2_c' => array(
    					'$equals' => 0
    	'editable' => false,
    	'is_template' => true,


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • As per documentation for endpoint filterList, a structure like that should work:

    $viewdefs['Accounts']['base']['filter']['basic']['filters'][] = array(
    	'id' => 'filterRQPartners',
    	'name' => 'LBL_FILTERRQPARTNERS',
    	'filter_definition' => array(
    			'$or' => array(
    				'ignore_dealer_in_report_c' => array(
    					'$equals' => 0
    				'dead_2_c' => array(
    					'$equals' => 0
    	'editable' => false,
    	'is_template' => true,


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • I have already tried this but it's not working  for two different fields. 

  • Let me explain the scanario in more details. As per below screenshot , I want to use these 2 filter  auto select on one of the dropdown selection , As per sugar default flow ,  For these 2 fields , 'AND' expression is being used , but i have to use 'OR' expression . 

    Below are the code , i used for this : 

    File : relate.js 

    selectLocation: function () {
        var m03_work_product_name = this.model.get('m03_work_product_ii_inventory_item_1_name');
        console.log('m03_work_product_name', m03_work_product_name);
        var filterOptions = new app.utils.FilterOptions()
                    'initial_filter': 'FilterTestSystem',
                    'initial_filter_label': 'Current Work Product Assignment',
                    'filter_populate': {
                        'assigned_to_wp_c': m03_work_product_name,
                        'm03_work_product_id_c': ['4a529aae-5165-3149-6db7-5702c7b98a5e']
                    'filter_relate': {
                        'assigned_to_wp_c': m03_work_product_name,'m03_work_product_id_c': ['4a529aae-5165-3149-6db7-5702c7b98a5e'],
        //this custom code will effect for all relate fields in Enrollment module.But we need initial filter only for Test system relate field.
        filterOptions = (this.getSearchModule() == "ANML_Animals") ? filterOptions : this.getFilterOptions();{
            layout: 'selection-list',
            context: {
                module: this.getSearchModule(),
                fields: this.getSearchFields(),
                filterOptions: filterOptions,
        }, _.bind(this.setValue, this));

    file : Filtertest.php : 

    $viewdefs['ANML_Animals']['base']['filter']['basic']['filters'][] = array (
      'id' => 'FilterTestSystem',
      'name' => 'Current Work Product Assignment',
    'filter_definition' => array(
        '$or' => array(
          'assigned_to_wp_c' => array(
            '$equals' => ''
          'm03_work_product_id_c' => array(
            '$in' => ''
      'editable' => true,
      'is_template' => true,

    By using this ,  no filter is working , Please check and suggest me any solution.