Webhook error

Hello, hoping someone has suggestions to get around a Sugar error/bug (https://portal.sugarondemand.com/#supp_Bugs/82879)  that hasn't been addressed.

We've created several webhooks to fire when we add/update several types of records (Contacts, Accounts, etc.). We've found that if the record in the specific module is being updated, the webhook fires correctly and passes the appropriate JSON info to the destination. However, if the record is being ADDed for the first time, the webhook is called but eventually times out and upon investigation, it looks like Sugar is trying to send over 100MB of data.

The record is created in Sugar - of course because the webhook is firing after update - but since the webhook fails, the subsequent call to our targets fail.

This is a known error to Sugar (since version 9) and hard to imagine that they wouldn't have addressed this break of core functionality - but they haven't.  They can't or won't recommend work-arounds and have no comment on when or if they will address the issue.

In another club discussion, someone recommended upping the limits in our MySQL to handle 100MB+ of data.  That's not a good answer for us - we don't want to send 100MB+ on every one of our transactions.

Does anyone have any suggestions - that don't involve buying third-party products - to get around this issue?  Thanks very much.


Parents Reply
  • Thanks for mention this tool. I was not aware of it and I will look at it.

    Regarding this bug, unfortunately it doesn't make sense to me to install a new, not tested, pricy tool, because a Sugar feature has a bug. I mean how many tools will I have in 2 or 3 years when I try to replace the not working SugarCRM code with 3rd party code? 

    I always try to solve the root cause of a problem.
    With each additional tool I get additional complexity, dependencies, higher testing and maintenance effort and probably extra costs too.

  • Sometimes solving others bugs is not in our power, however we are in power to choose the way to deliver  the priority business task for reasonable efforts.

    Luckily, Logic Builder is cloud-based, so need  to install anything to benefit from configuring - just sign in to logicbuilder.integroscrm.com,  upload custom metadata, design logic hook and then deploy a solution designed via Module Loader. 

    Since the tool is not a part of Sugar, it is not included into subscription - that does mean extra cost.

    However, the annual access to the environment cost for the compaly less then 3 mandays of Professional Services in regular the US/UK/EU rates, while the Logic hooks designed with the tool are never charged in any way. 

    You will be surprised that custom solution for Sugar may not need regular development cycle even if designed from the scratch 

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka

    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient