Adding values to the classifying fields - on-the-fly

Hello, Clubbers,

I would like to ask about your experience in adding values on-the-fly to the classifying fields.

Have you ever face challenges with this task? 

As for now, I see two approaches for providing data classification in Sugar 
a) with dropdowns - single-select or multi-select
b) by adding dictionaries as custom modules  -  with 1:M relationship from dictionary to the module -the object of classification.

Both approaches provide advantages, but seem neither of them let me get both:
a) setting some values in a click, keeping the possibility to filter records by values of classifying fields in a list view (as MultiSelect and Dropdown field provides)
b) adding an absent classifying value immediately, on the fly, without bothering Sugar admin that would make it tomorrow/in-a-week/in-a-year - just like it is possible with adding a new Tag or at least like adding the Quote Product (if one is absent in the Catalog)

Speaking visually, I miss this (in yellow oval)

Any ideas/experience on how to deliver this possibility with no development?
Maybe I miss something?

Thank you!

Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you for replying

    AFAIK, Tags and dropdowns as classifying fields  - they are of different purpose

    Tagging along with Tag Cloud is for selecting heterogeneous data in single a list - the data of different structures, e.g. Contacts, RLIs, Users ect
    while classifying fields are measurements in the multidimensional space that represent the structured business object (module record).

    We benefit from each value of the classifying fields when able to use criteria for selecting in a modules list view - it impossible to use Tags for different fields simultaneously (eg. for Account - Industry, Source, Tier, etc)  without mixing up the values.

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient