Add custom field to sum RLI's revenues based on a specific RLI field.

Is there a way to add a custom field on the Opportunity record purple area,

a field that sums selectively the values (green area) of Revenue Line items for that opportunity ?

So sum only values for specific RLI's based on a filter field (brown area) of that RLI ?

For instance , total all values for Licenses Own IP in this opportunity ?

Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks André for the swift reply.

    Unfortunetaly I have no idea about SugarLogic : is it something for developers ? I tried to find something about SugarLogic in the Sugar University (searching for "Introduction to SugarLogic" and the like) but ended up with listing dozens and dozens of courses, none giving me a clue which to pick...

    Can you point me to a starting point to learn about SugarLogic ?

