32gb File limit upload - can it be increased ?

Hello all,

From Sugar documentation ( https://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Sugar_Cloud_Disk_Space_Limits/ ), the size limit to upload files to the cloud is 32gb.

** Please note that this setting can only be used to lower the maximum file size below 32MB, not increase the limit above 32MB. Sugar's cloud service limit of 32MB will supersede a Maximum Upload Size value higher than 32000000 (i.e. 32MB). **

Is there a way to increase that limit ?

Thank you !


  • Hi Louis-Jacques,

    Have you had a chance to inquire Sugar Support?

    They are usually of great help if possible, but since the limitation is directly specified in the documentation for Sugar Cloud hosting I am pessimistic about the inquiry

    I would consider other options, e.g. to use other clouds for storing large files, e.g. AWS S3 bucket, that would help to avoid limitations but enable referencing to cloud-hosted files in Sugar records (e.g. in Notes)

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka

    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Hi Louis-Jacques,

    Have you had a chance to inquire Sugar Support?

    They are usually of great help if possible, but since the limitation is directly specified in the documentation for Sugar Cloud hosting I am pessimistic about the inquiry

    I would consider other options, e.g. to use other clouds for storing large files, e.g. AWS S3 bucket, that would help to avoid limitations but enable referencing to cloud-hosted files in Sugar records (e.g. in Notes)

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka

    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

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