Adding Time Zone as a Field for Account and/or Cases Module

Hey everyone!!

We have a customer base that is spread out all across the US, but we also have our own offices on each side of the country as well.  We often get requests from customers to callback at specific times and often we have to refer back to the Account to see where they are and then calculate our times.  

I have looked for a field that I could use that would generate time zone based off of address and I am coming short.  Does anyone have any suggestions that would allow me to add the Time Zone to not only the Account module but that would also generate on the Cases module?

  • Hello Nicole
    AFAIK you have to use an external service to get Time Zone for particular Account/Contact based on its address.

    For example, provides a powerful and flexible Time Zone REST API.

    To solve your task, you could add a simple after-save trigger to get&save a time zone into a custom field when a record of Account/Contact/Lead will be saved or edited. Infor about City and State will be enough to get offset from GMT and define the local Time Zone (EST/GST/MST/PST if we speak about the USA only).
    After that, you can use this field in SugarBPM to redirect requests to the right office.

    I hope it will help. If you need help, let me know.

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  • Hello Nicole
    AFAIK you have to use an external service to get Time Zone for particular Account/Contact based on its address.

    For example, provides a powerful and flexible Time Zone REST API.

    To solve your task, you could add a simple after-save trigger to get&save a time zone into a custom field when a record of Account/Contact/Lead will be saved or edited. Infor about City and State will be enough to get offset from GMT and define the local Time Zone (EST/GST/MST/PST if we speak about the USA only).
    After that, you can use this field in SugarBPM to redirect requests to the right office.

    I hope it will help. If you need help, let me know.

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    more convenient and efficient
