Extended class triggering forbidden functions


Since my custom filter was triggering an error ("$in requires an array"), i created a new PHP file containing a "CustomFilterApi" class that extends FilterApi class, so then i was able to change some FilterApi's functions and bypass my filter's error. But when i extend the FilterApi class, it triggers some forbidden functions.

There's my CustomFilterApi code:


 * Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
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require_once ("clients/base/api/FilterApi.php");

class CustomFilterApi extends FilterApi
	protected static function addFilters(array $filterDefs, SugarQuery_Builder_Where $where, SugarQuery $q)
        foreach ($filterDefs as $filterDef) {
            if (!is_array($filterDef)) {
				$filterDef = array($filterDef);
                /*throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter(
                        'Did not recognize the definition: %s',
                        print_r($filterDef, true)
            foreach ($filterDef as $field => $filter) {
                parent::addFilter($field, $filter, $where, $q);

Error screenshot:


  • I would not recommend circumventing an error message like that, clearly it is trying to tell you that your filter is not going to work. Removing the error message would just lead to the execution of code that won't work.

    The image from your error is too small to read, and too fuzzy when zoomed in. But I would say you need to figure out why your custom filter is not defined correctly. What is it that you are trying to achineve?


  • I have the same error and the error/issue has existed since sugar 7. I followed the custom filter instructions here (https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_10.0/Architecture/Filters/#Adding_Initial_Filters_to_Lookup_Searches) to the T and end up with this error and it does not matter whether I use in, equals, contains, etc.

    The "attempted" solution in the forums, has been what the author of this question suggested, since sugar 7. I have seen confirmations that this issue existed in 9.2, and I am running 10.2 and have the same issue.

    The problem is simple. Follow the instructions for the above link I attached. Trying to pre-filter items from a "search & select" on a relate field. I can successfully pass the value, but you can see an API failure and the message is returned.

    Error: $in requires an array

    The code in my initial_filter is as follows:

    $viewdefs['HG_StakeholderRole']['base']['filter']['basic']['filters'][] = array(
        'id' => 'filterOppRelatedStakeholders',
        'filter_definition' => array(
                'hg_stakeholderrole_opportunities_name' => array(
                    '$in' => array(),
        'editable' => true,
        'is_template' => true,

  • I have the same error and the error/issue has existed since sugar 7. I followed the custom filter instructions here (https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_10.0/Architecture/Filters/#Adding_Initial_Filters_to_Lookup_Searches) to the T and end up with this error and it does not matter whether I use in, equals, contains, etc.

    The "attempted" solution in the forums, has been what the author of this question suggested, since sugar 7. I have seen confirmations that this issue existed in 9.2, and I am running 10.2 and have the same issue.

    The problem is simple. Follow the instructions for the above link I attached. Trying to pre-filter items from a "search & select" on a relate field. I can successfully pass the value, but you can see an API failure and the message is returned.

    Error: $in requires an array

    The code in my initial_filter is as follows:

    $viewdefs['HG_StakeholderRole']['base']['filter']['basic']['filters'][] = array(
        'id' => 'filterOppRelatedStakeholders',
        'filter_definition' => array(
                'hg_stakeholderrole_opportunities_name' => array(
                    '$in' => array(),
        'editable' => true,
        'is_template' => true,

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