I need to find out who originally added a note to a contacts account. The employee is no longer with us and the created by is blank...
I need to find out who originally added a note to a contacts account. The employee is no longer with us and the created by is blank...
If you look at that note record in the database, there should be a created_by value that houses a user ID. That user ID should correlate to a user ID in the users table. If the user was deleted it would explain why it displays a blank value in the user interface. If that ID is no longer in the users table, because it was soft deleted (deleted = 1) and then hard-deleted (delete from users where id = '...') then you would need to load a backup of your instance to see if that user ID could be retrieved.
If you look at that note record in the database, there should be a created_by value that houses a user ID. That user ID should correlate to a user ID in the users table. If the user was deleted it would explain why it displays a blank value in the user interface. If that ID is no longer in the users table, because it was soft deleted (deleted = 1) and then hard-deleted (delete from users where id = '...') then you would need to load a backup of your instance to see if that user ID could be retrieved.
Jennifer MacQueen - Please email support@sugarcrm.com and we can open a case for you. If you are on our servers, we can look this data up if you send us the link/URL to the note record in your instance. If you run OnSite, we can provide you with a few queries for your DBA to run that might pinpoint the user that created the note.