Hi ,
I am using SugarCRM 7.6 Enterprise edition. Can anyone please help me to enable the Customer Portal of the instance.
I am able to "create Portal API User" but not getting where should i get installation package for the Customer Portal
Hi ,
I am using SugarCRM 7.6 Enterprise edition. Can anyone please help me to enable the Customer Portal of the instance.
I am able to "create Portal API User" but not getting where should i get installation package for the Customer Portal
Hi Vaishali,
In previous versions of Sugar, (6.5 and below), you needed to install the portal on your server. However, this is improved in Sugar 7.x and you need to simply enable the portal through the Admin > Sugar Portal menu without any other installation steps needed. Just click the "Enable" checkbox to get started. Full instructions on this can be found in the Admin documentation.
We also have documentation for users to review about the portal and about how your customers would use the portal.
I hope this helps get you started!
Alex Nassi
Digital CX Operations Director
Hi Alex,
Thank you for your Reply, I was able to enable portal successfully but unable to login using the portal.
Here is the error log in System log:
Tue Apr 5 08:22:39 2016 [26237][-none-][ERROR] Unable to add new session
Tue Apr 5 08:22:39 2016 [26237][-none-][ERROR] An exception happened: ( 401: need_login)too_many_concurrent_connections
On further troubleshooting find that settings['license_num_portal_users'] is getting as 0 thats why unable to login.
Is to login using portal we need separate licence ??
Please help ASAP
The error 'too_many_concurrent_connections' means that you might be over the limit of the portal user seats.
You can check this information from the admin > license management. It will show you how many users does it allow to use for your portal.
The error 'too_many_concurrent_connections' means that you might be over the limit of the portal user seats.
You can check this information from the admin > license management. It will show you how many users does it allow to use for your portal.