Report on reports

Hi there,

I'm asked to take up the global support for SugarCRM for my company, and one of the first tasks is to clean up the wild growth on individual reports we have in the meantime (644 reports listed).

So I wanted to make a report on these reports : who is creating them , how many created per user, what modules are most popular to be reported upon , etc....

But... when you start a new report, you can choose from any module...except Reports ! ;-)

Does anybody has a good tip how to achieve this ? Reporting on reports ?

  • Hi Hugo Geyskens,

    Are you hosting your SugarCRM instance on-premise? If so, you can query the database directly to find this information. If you are on SugarCRM Enterprise or above, then you can also use advanced reporting to similarly query the database. 

    Here is an example of a simple query you might use to find this information:

    select as "Report Name", r.module, r.date_entered as "Date Created", u.user_name as "Assigned to User"
    from saved_reports r
    join users u on r.assigned_user_id =
    order by u.user_name, r.date_entered;

    Please let us know if you have additional questions. 


  • The report_cache table can also be helpful for finding out how often a report is being used. The table stores information on a per user basis of the last time the user accessed a report as well as the last run time filters applied to the report and the last expanded/collapsed state of panels on the report. The date_modified field gives you the date the user last accessed the report. In the past, I have run queries against this table to give me a list of all records for a given report id. That allows me to determine how many people are using the report and the last time anyone accessed it.

    select * from report_cache where id = '<report_id>' order by date_modified desc
  • Hi Brett,

    You anticipated on my next non-posed question ;-)

    After finding out about which reports there are, my second step would be to find out which ones are relevant/used.

    Thanks for answering that ;-)


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