Best way to generate a report for audit logs of a field on SugarCRM On-Demand

Hello everyone,

I've tried finding out a simple way to generate a report based on tracking the dates when a particular drop-down field was changed from one value to the next. My initial research has concluded that there isn't a way to do this.

So my questions are:

1. Is it really not possible without the purchase of 3rd Party SugarCRM modules (like Sugar Outfitters)?

2. If it isn't, is it at least possible to timestamp a text field (with the status) every time the status is changed? I can later extract that and create my report using some simple Excel manipulations.

Thanks a lot.

  • Hello,

    This cannot currently be done in Sugar, but we do have an idea posted about this. You'll find a few options in the comments of that thread that may be options for you. For the second suggestion you made, that can definitely be done. You could do it using a logic hook to concatenate a TextArea or TextField with the status and date, conditional on the status changing. Alternatively, you could create a custom module that has "Status" and "Time Changed" fields, then use a logic hook to create a new record in that module when the Status changes. This would let you use the Reports module to run a report on the changes rather than having to do it in Excel.

    If you have any questions or would like to see an example of either (or both) of the options I suggested, let me know.


  • Hello,

    This cannot currently be done in Sugar, but we do have an idea posted about this. You'll find a few options in the comments of that thread that may be options for you. For the second suggestion you made, that can definitely be done. You could do it using a logic hook to concatenate a TextArea or TextField with the status and date, conditional on the status changing. Alternatively, you could create a custom module that has "Status" and "Time Changed" fields, then use a logic hook to create a new record in that module when the Status changes. This would let you use the Reports module to run a report on the changes rather than having to do it in Excel.

    If you have any questions or would like to see an example of either (or both) of the options I suggested, let me know.


  • Thank you so much for the reply Alan and also for the link. After reading it, I think for now there is no good way of implementing this without any third party (paid) module since On-demand neither offers the Advanced Reporting tool nor does its 7.6 version work with KReporter.

    This means, I'm left with the choice of time-stamping with the current status. You spoke of creating a new record to maintain history since it would save me the work of having to do the Excel work. Thanks a lot for that suggestion too. But as far as my limited understanding goes, I think Excel is still a smaller price to pay compared to the number of duplicated records I'd be able to avoid.

    So could you please tell me how to implement this logic hook that would allow me to time-stamp it onto a custom or standard text field along with the status? Please try to be a little elaborate as I've no experience working with logic hooks. But I'll try to catch up on them ASAP.

    Thanks again for the very comforting and helpful reply again.