Process definition not assigning to user

I have set up a process definition based on a process business rule that assigns a user and then what I'd like to happen is if the user approves this will send an email or if they choose to mark it as ignore, terminates the process but the process doesn't show up in the assigned users process dashlet.

Here are more details:

The start event is based if the lead score (an integer field in the target module) is greater than or equal to 100.

This then leads to an action based on a business process rule that checks if the lead score is greater than or equal to 100, it marks this as a "Follow Up" using a string in the conclusions.

I then assign a user and add a diverging gateway to determine if the lead is qualified by human approval. If yes, it sends an email, if no the process is terminated.

Any help would be appreciated here.

  • Ben,

    Are you using the Activity events to handle the approval/rejection step?  Can you export the Process Definition and Business Rule and upload it to this thread for review?

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi  

    Thanks for the help - I've attached the exports.

    Yeah they are using activity events to handle approval rejection I believe.



  • Ben.

    I was able to make this work using the following example:


    The Action #1 event is the Process Business Rule that is in your example upload.  I needed to rebuild the Process Definition from scratch on my end as I think there was some confusion with users.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or if this solution was helpful.



    This was very helpful, thanks!

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