Quote totals in non-default currency is incorrect after save of order line item

Using Sugar 7.2

Steps to reproduce.

1 - Create quote in non default currency
2 - Add 1 line item and Save. Note the order total.
3 - Edit the line item itself and save. (No changes necessary)

Expected Result:
Quote total should be the same as before

Actual Result:
Quote total has been changed. It still shows the correct currency symbol but the totals have been converted to the default currency.
Parents Reply
  • this is a known bug.

    Total and Subtotal values are occurring correct only when you just  create a new Quote but when you will update a Quoted line item than only  Total and Subtotal values are occurring wrong on the Quote

    Once you see wrong total and sub total values are occurring wrong on the Quote than just edit the Quote and save than you will see values are occurring correct,

    This is manual solution to get correct values so it is not a reliable solution.

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