Do Report Chart Dashlets update report Last Rn Time value?

If a Saved Reports Chart Dashlet is used in a Dashboard is the Reports 'Last Run Time" filed updated when the Chart is refreshed or loaded in the Dashboard?  We are trying to clean-up unused, non-useful, old reports but obviously do not want to delete reports if they are being used in Dashboards.  It seems impossible to tell whether or not a Report Chart is being used in a Dashboard.

reports dashlets dashboard chart

  • Hi Bud Conlin,

    Using a report in a dashboard does not update the Last Run Time / Accessed On timestamp. As you cite, using that data as a means to purge reports would be problematic. The dashboard data is encoded in the database for each user; decoding that data requires a custom script to determine which reports are referenced in Saved Reports dashlets. 

    Regularly purging unneeded data is an essential practice to maintaining a CRM. Developing a feature that identifies and, if desired, automatically purges data such as this from your system is something with which my company, Upsert, can deliver if you do not have access to development resources.

  • Hi Bud Conlin,

    Using a report in a dashboard does not update the Last Run Time / Accessed On timestamp. As you cite, using that data as a means to purge reports would be problematic. The dashboard data is encoded in the database for each user; decoding that data requires a custom script to determine which reports are referenced in Saved Reports dashlets. 

    Regularly purging unneeded data is an essential practice to maintaining a CRM. Developing a feature that identifies and, if desired, automatically purges data such as this from your system is something with which my company, Upsert, can deliver if you do not have access to development resources.

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