How can I set the default address in the from field in the cases compose email drawer?

My users are part of teams which have multiple email addresses they can send from. These emails are configured as a outgoing email account in the email module. The majority of the time, they will use one particular email address, but the address they use most is third in the "From" drop down of outgoing email addresses when they use the compose email drawer in the cases module. I have read through several support articles involving version 7&8 but don't seem to cover my issue. My objective is to have the ability to set a default for this drop down in the cases drawer per user. Can someone give me some insight on how I can achieve this?

Here are some of the articles I have combed through so far.… 

Sugar7 how to change default "From" address in email drawer?… 

v8 Set From Address in compose-email to Cases queue 

  • Hello Marciano,

    Yes, you can achieve that. For each user, the user can set his own primary email address in his user profile. After the user has done that, when they will open the email compose drawer, the from the field will be prepopulated with their primary email address from which they want to send the email.

    Kind Regards,

    Rolustech Support

  • Hi,

    The fix is simple, but not very convenient:

    First of all, determine user for whom you want to apply a fix. I will assume that you can work with usernames.

    Step 1) Find the user's user_id:

    SELECT id FROM users where user_name = '<username of user>';

    Step 2) Check the outbound email configurations of the user:

    SELECT * FROM outbound_email WHERE user_id = '<the uuid result of query from step 1>';

    You will see a bunch of results with their own uuid's in the id fields. Sugar seems to order the outbound emails alphanumerically on the 'id' field, so just change the uuid's to reorder outbound emails.

  • Hi,

    The fix is simple, but not very convenient:

    First of all, determine user for whom you want to apply a fix. I will assume that you can work with usernames.

    Step 1) Find the user's user_id:

    SELECT id FROM users where user_name = '<username of user>';

    Step 2) Check the outbound email configurations of the user:

    SELECT * FROM outbound_email WHERE user_id = '<the uuid result of query from step 1>';

    You will see a bunch of results with their own uuid's in the id fields. Sugar seems to order the outbound emails alphanumerically on the 'id' field, so just change the uuid's to reorder outbound emails.
