Can i ensure all Contacts under an Account automatically get assigned to the Account's Assigned To/User?

Hi Team,

When you create Contacts from an Account (record) by using the + button, the contacts are automatically assigned to whoever is adding it. I would like to know if you guys know of any way that we can ensure they are Assigned to the Assigned user of the Account?


  • I've addressed this with a simple process using a business rule.  Basically, the process looks at the Contact Record when it's saved (new records and all modifications to avoid creative reassignments :-) ).  The business rule assigns the Contact to the proper sales rep based on the assignment for the Account.

    I suppose you could also just code it with a "change field", but I use the same business rule in multiple processes and when there's a change I only have to change it in one place.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • I've addressed this with a simple process using a business rule.  Basically, the process looks at the Contact Record when it's saved (new records and all modifications to avoid creative reassignments :-) ).  The business rule assigns the Contact to the proper sales rep based on the assignment for the Account.

    I suppose you could also just code it with a "change field", but I use the same business rule in multiple processes and when there's a change I only have to change it in one place.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)
