Date Time format issue

Hi All

We use a field in Sugar to record our Race Dates and the format is date - time (See below). My question is how can I get a report that shows all the January or Feb event etc. I seem to be stuck due to the date-time format. Is there away of adding up all the dates for a month and reporting them as one amount? 

SugarCRM Enterprise, Version 8.0.2 (Build 255) (Spring '18)

  • Hi Keith Esslemont,

    Can you provide additional detail about the behavior you are experiencing, which screen you are experiencing it on, and how it differs from the behavior you expect?

    In my experience, Report filters let you set an "Is Between" operator for Date and DateTime fields, which is how I would make a report that shows all the January or Feb events in the described context. I recognize that you describe an interface as stuck due to DateTime, and would like to better understand where the behavior is sticking for you.

  • Hi Keith Esslemont,

    Can you provide additional detail about the behavior you are experiencing, which screen you are experiencing it on, and how it differs from the behavior you expect?

    In my experience, Report filters let you set an "Is Between" operator for Date and DateTime fields, which is how I would make a report that shows all the January or Feb events in the described context. I recognize that you describe an interface as stuck due to DateTime, and would like to better understand where the behavior is sticking for you.

No Data